Your Daily Trump Dump

Today's Bad News for Donald Trump
This blog has always been a big fan of the Quinnipiac Poll, even when it said something that I did not want to believe was so. On the question of whether Congress should impeach Trump and remove him from office, the numbers a month ago were 37% "Yes, they should" and 57% "No, they should not." Now they're 48% Yes and 46% No and this doesn't even include any slippage from the revelations of the last few days or Trump's nuttier public outbursts.

Today's Outrage by Donald Trump
This one's actually from an attorney of his. You may remember when Trump said, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters." Actually, if the person he shot was a Trump voter, he'd probably lose that Trump voter but he might not lose many more than that.

Well now, one of Trump's attorneys is claiming that under the Constitution, Trump could shoot that (hopefully hypothetical) person and not be charged with a crime…and what's more, it would be illegal to even investigate the crime. If you want to know what some people mean by "above the law," it doesn't get any clearer than this.

Bonus Trump Dump Link
Do you understand what Ambassador Bill Taylor said that was so damaging to Trump's version of the Ukraine deal? I didn't fully understand it until I read this piece by William Saletan. Pretty damning.