Your Daily Trump Dump

Today's Bad News for Donald Trump
Trump keeps citing Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union, who in a tweet said there was no quid pro quo regarding the Ukraine call. But later this week, Sondland will reportedly testify that he wrote that there was no quid pro quo, not because he knew that to be the case but just because Trump told him.

Today's Outrage by Donald Trump
Did you catch any of Trump's rally last Thursday night in Minneapolis? There's more than a year until Election Day and he's hurling mud like an infinite number of monkeys flinging their poo. And he's getting it from the same place.

A Question About Donald Trump
Trump complained a lot about that Fox News Poll that showed that a majority of Americans want him impeached. He's been saying, "Fox News isn't working for us anymore," right? So what is he expecting? Is he angry that Fox News, having received those numbers from their pollsters, didn't just fib and adjust them in his favor? Is that what he expects of the news media? No wonder he doesn't like any of them.