Fast Food Follow-Up

Last December, you may recall, I went into an outlet of the Boston Market chain. I used to love those places but this visit was a disaster. The place was not very clean and I waited 22 minutes for a plate of roast turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, and a side of corn, took one or two bites and walked out. Terrible food, terrible service. I complained to the company website and in this post.

The next day — which was a Sunday — I was surprised to receive a phone call from a senior exec with the Boston Market chain. He apologized, said he'd send me coupons for free meals, look into my complaints and call me back when he can tell me something concrete that might get me to give Boston Market another try. As I said in this post, I was impressed.

I shouldn't have been. He never sent the coupons, never called me back…and the Boston Market in question closed its doors forever. Gee, I can't imagine why…