Today's "Trump is a Monster" Post

I've decided to reinstate this daily feature and I'll keep it until the day the man leaves office…and maybe even a while after that. I'll post it during the fifteen minutes a day I'm allowing myself to think about the guy in the White House.

Today's installment is this article by George T. Conway, an attorney who was once a stalwart "Everything Republicans Do Is Good, Everything Democrats Do Is Bad" advocate. What changed that? Trump did. Mr. Conway is the hubby of Kellyanne Conway, who is still an advocate of the "E.R.D.I.G.E.D.D.I.B." philosophy. Things must be a lot of fun at their house.

The piece explains George's belief that Donald J. Trump is unfit for public office just because of who he is and how he is incapable of certain things we want in a President like honesty, being in touch with reality, and caring about something other than himself. I am a bit uncomfy with Mr. Conway's belief that "Any intelligent person who watches Trump closely on television, and pays careful attention to his words on Twitter and in the press, should be able to tell you as much about his behavior as a mental-health professional could" but most of what the article says is tough to deny. Which is not to say Trump supporters wouldn't.

Anyway, there's a lot of interesting stuff in there about what the Founding Fathers intended for the Presidency and you'll learn a lot about narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder. Here's that link again.