There are a lot of prominent folks — mostly Republican, some not — who want to blame mass shootings on (a) mental health and the lack thereof, (b) a dearth of religious acceptance and/or (c) video games. Even if those were the main reasons, the problem is that none of those people intend to do anything about (a) or (c), and they won't do much about (b) except what they always do, which is to argue that everyone should embrace their particular religion.
So those are all really different ways of saying they don't want to do anything. We may or may not see some Congressperson get up and propose regulating or banning videogames but that's one of those proposals that won't last much longer than the time it takes that legislator to propose it to a roomful of empty chairs on CSPAN. Ain't gonna happen.
Mike Huckabee, who makes his living peddling his version of religion as the answer to everything, is out there peddling his version of religion. This is like me insisting that the way to stop mass shootings is for more people to buy Groo the Wanderer comic books. Come to think of it, the Groo comics might even do more good. There is no reported incident of any mass-murdering committed while reading Groo, whereas a lot of people who kill other people believe they're doing it because God told them to or because they'll be rewarded in the afterlife or something of that sort.
But I'm just writing this for the sake of writing it. I don't expect anything anyone says on this blog or in less-read sources like the New York Times to change anything. Sadly, the only thing which might move someone to constructive action would be an increased flurry of mass shootings…and even that would not motivate many someones who could do anything.
Somewhere though, there must a district or two where some Republican running for re-election gets the message that he or she might not get re-elected if they can't answer voters who demand to know why they haven't done more than blame mental health, not being religious enough and Grand Theft Auto. And maybe the next attempt to ban assault weapons will lose by a narrower margin and give some of us a wee bit more hope. I'm not counting on it.