That's the weather forecast this week for San Diego. Doesn't get much better than that, does it? And for those of you who still think Comic-Con oughta move to Las Vegas, it'll be 34° hotter there on the same days.
I feel like I should say something comforting to the folks who want to attend Comic-Con but can't get tickets. And if I knew what the hell that was, I'd certainly say it. You know there's a numerical problem here: The convention center can accommodate about 130,000 people. My guess is that if they had unlimited room, they could sell 400,000+ tickets. There will never be space for everyone who wants to attend. The building may be expanded in the next few years but I have a feeling the number of people who want to attend will expand at an even higher pace.
All I can tell you is to keep trying. Each year, there are plenty of folks who get in for the first time…or the first time in many years. And a guy I know who's never been told me, "When I do get to go, I hope I have a miserable time. That way, I won't resent it when I can't get a badge the following year. I'll even be happy!"
The forecast for this blog in the coming week is Light Posting with an 80% chance of reruns. My schedule is insane with 61 panels, interviews, parties, social dinners, business meetings and at some point, I may squeeze in a little sleeping. It's as exhilarating as it is exhausting to live at that pace and I certainly couldn't do it very often…but 4-5 days a year, I can handle. Maybe I'll get so fatigued that I'll sleep through next year's Comic-Con, thereby freeing up space for someone else to attend in my stead. I hope he or she knows how to run Quick Draw!