And now, through the miracle of modern air travel, I'm coming to you from my computer chair at home, 2,504 miles from where I was sitting when I wrote the previous post. American Airlines did what they were supposed to do.
The first flight sat on the runway for twenty minutes before taking off but still managed to get me to my interim destination only three minutes late. I had enough time (but not too much of it) to get to the gate where the connecting flight left from. By the way: I don't know why I'm mentioning it but Ron Perlman was on that flight. I guess that's of interest to those of you who track his every move.
I liked driving in North Carolina — roads that were never empty but never so crowded as to impede one's ability to drive at 15 miles over the speed limit. I did not like the humidity but I think I complained about it less than any local I heard mention it. The whole thing was a little rough but I'm very glad I went to see my dear friend Betty.
And that's about it for now. I'll tell you all about the Andy Griffith Museum in the next few days and about some of the panels we had at Heroes Con. I gotta go unpack and collapse, not necessarily in that order.