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One thing you've gotta say for this Administration: There's always something new to get outraged and/or worried about. That's why I dismiss people who talk about the next presidential election and the issues that will dominate it as if we have a clue what they'll be. We don't even know what the main issues will be a week from tomorrow.

All of a sudden, we're talking about War with Iran…and of course, Trump seems to be on all sides of that issue. He wants it, he doesn't want it…the only thing he's consistent about is that if it happens, he will be tougher and more victorious than any other leader who's ever gone to war in the history of mankind. I think he thinks that to win any confrontation, you don't have to be rational or smart or even know what the battle's about. You just have to keep talking about how tough you are.

I don't care if he says he doesn't want that war. I won't be convinced he doesn't until he gets rid of John Bolton who is to war and regime change what Cookie Monster is to ginger snaps and snickerdoodles. So we'd better know what we'd be getting into even if Donald doesn't. Here's Fred Kaplan who does seem to know.