Somethings To Remember

Gee, it looks like Herman Cain is not going to get that seat on the Federal Reserve's Board of Governors. It seemed so certain a few weeks ago.

And maybe it helps to remember back to September of 2011, Mr. Cain was the leader in the race for the Republican nomination, snatching that title away from the previous leader, Rick Perry. I believe this was before Newt Gingrich was the leader and actually went on TV to explain he was the "presumptive nominee." He had it all locked-up and no one could possibly wrest the nomination from him…certainly not Mitt Romney.

Right now, the Democratic field is these folks in this order: Biden, Sanders, Harris, Buttigieg, O'Rourke, Warren, Klobuchar, Booker, Gillibrand and Castro. Biden and Sanders are neck-and-neck and there's a big gap between the two of them and the rest. (I just accidentally typed "big gasp" and fixed it. Maybe I should have left it like that.)

Yes, someone could break out and steamroller the rest but it seems more likely to me that this is going to be one of those races where the lead's going to change from week to week. Just remember how the lead changed constantly in 2011 for G.O.P. contenders…and that was after the primaries started. The first primary of this election is still 292 days away.