
With the aid of my colleague John Plunkett, I have succeeded in restoring more than 600 video links in past postings on this blog and labeling a few hundred others as dead-ends. Over the next month or so, another 200-300 might reopen for business.

I need to mention this every so often here: A lot of folks wonder why when someone in the entertainment field (including comic books and animation) dies, I sometimes don't write up an obit for this blog. That generally means I don't think I have anything interesting to say about the person that others aren't saying…and probably saying better. It could also mean that I don't have anything I think is proper to say at the time.

A lot of you send me links to articles or video clips that you think oughta be on this site. In some cases, a lot of you send me one…like I think twelve people sent the link to the Gwen Verdon number that I put up here yesterday and eight of them arrived almost simultaneously. Thanks to everyone who sends in every suggestion, even the ones I don't use. And if I post a link but don't thank you by name on the blog, it's because there were a lot of you.