Home Alone

Made it back without too much traffic. I wound up doing ten panels at the San Diego Comic Fest. That includes a very nice memorial for our friend Batton Lash. When it was my turn, I made the point that we didn't really have to get up and talk about what a great guy he was because everyone in the room already knew that. Still, there were some wise perceptions and insights…and a whole lotta affection.

Among the folks I spent time with down there: Mike Royer, Allen Bellman, Steve Rude, Buzz Dixon, Scott Shaw!, Jackie Estrada, Bob Foster, Trina Robbins, Steve Leialoha, Arlen Schumer, Pete Von Sholly, Dave Clark, Phil Geiger, Mike Friedrich, Lee Marrs, Gene Henderson, Mike Towry, Matt Dunford, Dennis Mallonee, Barbara Kesel, Chris Ryall, Tony Benedict, Stan Sakai, Tom Luth, William Stout, Shannon Wheeler, Robert Clampett Jr., Ruth Clampett and who am I leaving out? Many names.

A point I should make before I go to sleep: If you're upset that comic conventions are too crowded and don't have enough about comics, there's a simple solution to that: Go to smaller conventions. There are plenty of them out there and they'd love to have you. And now I'm going to post a video and then go to sleep. Nighty-night.