Mushroom Soup Tuesday

I have about ninety things to do today and posting on my blog is around #81…so you may not see much here today. To save me the task of doing it, see if you can find one article somewhere on the 'net about how Donald Trump is even a worse person than we thought. It shouldn't be hard. (He's bragging this morning about how some polls show he's hit a new high in support among Republicans. He seems to have given up on anyone else liking him.)

One thing to add about online cooking videos: Is there some law that says if you make one, you're required to put cayenne pepper in whatever you make? The pizza video I just posted was one of the few I've seen without it and I'm thinking the chef just plain forgot and is now going to be pulled over and ticketed by the Internet.

I even see people putting the stuff in biscuits or puddings or meals where even a professional fire-eater might not want "that little extra kick." Some of us don't want that kick anywhere. Some of us don't like spicy foods and hot sauces and having the inside of your mouth feel like a pottery kiln. If you do, fine. Me, I'm waiting for someone to invent a little bottle on every restaurant table that can remove the tabasco, hot peppers, Jalapenos, Sriracha, etc. Maybe at the same time, it could calm down Alex Jones.

I'll be back later. When, I cannot say.