WonderCon, which takes place at the Anaheim Convention Center March 29-31 has just announced its third wave of Special-type Guests and, proving that some conventions never learn, this third wave includes me. My esteemed colleague Sergio Aragonés, was announced during a previous wave so I'll guess we'll be doing a panel together on when the next Groo comic will be out (soon, soon…) and we'll grab two other speedy cartoonists and do our Quick Draw! game, plus I'll be hosting five or six other fun events over the three days.
WonderCon is run by the same folks who bring you the annual Comic-Con International in San Diego each year. WonderCon is smaller (so is Utah) but not so small that you can possibly run out of things to see and do and buy. The other main difference it has to its the larger con — and this is a B.F.D. is that tickets are available.
They will not be available forever. This con, like all good conventions and bad politicians, will sell out eventually. But you can get tickets now. Do not take this information lightly.
If you like your conventions even smaller, Sergio and I will be at the San Diego Comic Fest earlier that same month. This is a more intimate assemblage with no big Hollywood guests and more emphasis on comic books, especially older comic books. If that sounds appealing to you, the con might be appealing to you. Hope to see some of you at one or the other.