Sunday Evening

Ed Alexander wrote me and said, "Geez, Mark, I don't mean to be intrusive (I am, however, obviously incapable of restraint) but I can't help noticing that there's a bit of an uncommonly grumpy tone to the last couple of your 12/22 posts. I hope everything's okay." Everything's fine, Ed.

Well, not everything. I have a couple of friends who are hospitalized and a couple more battling flu and other such ailments. I also have a few more who are worried — unrealistically so, I think — that Donald Trump's going to do something really, really desperate and destructive. But I'm fine, thanks. I think sometimes I sound grumpier than I am because I'm trying to amuse.

To my surprise, by the way, I got a call today from a senior exec with the Boston Market chain. On a Sunday morning (!), the guy called to apologize, offer me free meals, promise to look into my complaints, etc. I was impressed with that.

And here's how he got my number, in case you're wondering: On the receipt I got at Boston Market, they have the address of a website where one can send complaints, praise, suggestions, etc. I used the site to send them a link to my blog post and whoever monitors those submissions alerted the guy…and we had a very nice conversation. He promised to call me back when he can tell me something concrete that might get me to give Boston Market another try. Can't ask for more than that.

About Trump: The last few days, all the news-type coverage I've watched has featured folks telling us what Trump's going to do. I don't think anyone has a clue what this guy is going to do about anything…and that may include Trump himself. It wouldn't even surprise me now if he turned on his base in some way…which he almost did momentarily with the deal to fund the government. It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't, either. (Some of them are also pissed at the idea that we won't be as seriously in Syria and Afghanistan trying to kick butt.)

You know how I wrote the other day here that people who claim to be able to read your mind or contact the dead are all, without exception, frauds? I'm starting to feel that way about people who are telling us what Trump will do next.