Keep Sakes

I just saw one of these Internet Quiz Thingies that went like this…

You can only keep three…

Coffee, Chocolate, Jewelry, Netflix, Tacos, Make-up, Wine, Leggings, Books, Cheese, Cats, Dogs.

I guess this is tough for some people but I don't ingest coffee, chocolate, tacos or wine and I only like cheese on a few things.  I don't have jewelry.  I haven't gotten around yet to subscribing to Netflix because I get a lot of screeners in the mail and I'm way behind on viewing what I already have from Netflix and other sources.  Don't use make-up, don't wear leggings…

I couldn't live without books.  I like cats a lot and dogs a little…

So books, cats and then it's a coin toss between cheese and dogs. It's as easy as pie…and I don't eat pie, either.

Today's Video Link

Here — with a bit of a sore throat — is Seth Meyers in a segment that airs on his show tonight. It's about the racist fearmongering of Donald Trump and his enabler, Fox News…

Fact Check

Donald Trump — who I suspect does these things just so he'll get mentioned on my blog — has put forth his version of George H.W. Bush's "Willie Horton" ad, blaming Democrats for being soft on crime and bullish on letting illegal alien criminals roam free to commit murders. Trump, at least, isn't doing what Bush did and pretend he had nothing to do with the race-baiting commercial. Trump seems to be proud of it.

In any case, Politifact just gave it a "pants on fire" rating as being a blatant, intentional lie. My feeling is that a lot of Trump voters won't care if it's inaccurate. They just like the idea that the guy in charge is out to nuke immigrants and will do anything, including lying, to keep them out.

I have a slowly-diminishing number of friends who support Trump. They're diminishing because some of them no longer support the guy but also because some of them are no longer my friends.

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  • Trump says, "When I can, I tell the truth" and it's not that I don't think he can tell the truth. I just don't think he can tell the difference.