The wrist is better, thank you. My orthopedist x-rayed it from every possible angle, found nothing amiss and concluded that it was just a strained muscle and suggested I give it a rest and Advil. I took no Advil (or anything else) and it's been getting better on its own. Another day or three and it'll be fine…and it's already fine enough to resume normal typing.
So many people are saying and writing so much about politics now, I can't find much to say or write that hasn't already been said or written. Trump continues to advance the premise that every single criticism of him is Fake News, mob hysteria and darn close to capital-T Treason. Does anyone believe that he is not the root cause of all this incivility? It's like when Republicans were accusing Obama of being "divisive" because he stubbornly refused to give them everything they wanted.
Speaking of Obama: Next time you hear some non-fan of his insist that the nation "suffered" under him presidency, here's a list of the kind of things that caused all that suffering.
And Trump continues to promise great things despite the fact that there is absolutely nothing looming that is going to make those things happen. The latest — although I haven't looked in an hour or two — is the "revolutionary change" in the prescription drug program that will drastically lower prescription drug prices for seniors. Here's Kevin Drum to explain why there is close to a zero percent chance of this happening.
Lastly: The other day here, I linked to a video about the longest non-stop flight offered these days, which goes from Newark to Singapore. I should have known my long-time pal Joe Brancatelli — who knows everything about flying up to and including the shoe sizes of every flight attendant — would have something to contribute. Joe flew on this flight when Singapore Airlines offered it back between between 2004 and 2013. In fact, he's flown it twice, which is two more times than you'll ever find me on it. Here's a report on his first experience and here's a column about his second, which was before they stopped that route for a time.