So I'm operating on about four hours of sleep at the moment. Last night, I was up 'til all hours helping a neighbor with a medical emergency and during it, for no visible reason, my right wrist decided to do one of Dick Cheney's famous enhanced interrogations of the rest of me. Hurts like hell and makes typing difficult.
I have to type in order to address you, my dear followers, and also to finish the script that I was up writing at 2:30 AM when the call came from the neighbor. I'm going to not post anything else here until the wrist's better and/or I finish the script, which I have to do by 3 PM when Sergio comes by to get it, plus I'm seeing my wrist-repairing (I hope) doctor at 1:00. And hell, I may even be self-indulgent enough to take a nap.
That is why I may be neglecting you for a while, my friends. All will be better shortly.