Things must get written today and then this evening, I'm going up to U.C.L.A. to speak to a classroom of folks who aspire to be animation writers. I will start by advising them not to become animation writers but instead to become professional writers who write many things including animation. And then we'll see where it goes from there.
I've kind of given up following the battle over whether Brett Kavanaugh gets confirmed to the Supreme Court. It doesn't seem to have all that much to do with whether he's qualified and everything to do with Republicans wanting to prove they're in charge. I feel like we'd be having the same arguments if they'd decided to seat a parrot who'd been trained to say, "Whatever the Conservatives want is fine with me. AWK!"
People ask why the G.O.P. is pushing this guy so hard, as opposed to someone else from the Federalist Society list who didn't have a history of heavy drinking and possible rape attempts. There have to be a dozen names on that list who'd cast all the same votes on the High Court without Kavanaugh's shortcomings…and if he gets voted down, we'll probably get one of them. One reason is Trump picked this guy and Trump is big on this "none dare defy me" stuff. The other is that there's a large part of Trump's base that, given the choice of two nominees who'll vote the same but one will do a better job of pissing off Liberals, will opt for the Liberal Pisser-Offer. It is, after all, why they voted for Donald.
I may or may not be back later today. Gotta focus on finishing a script.