Not Draining the Swamp

Amazon is listing October 9 as the official release date for Volume 5 of Pogo – The Complete Syndicated Comic Strips by Walt Kelly.  Since I, its co-editor, have had a printed, bound copy of this for several weeks now, it's reasonable to expect Amazon will have its allotment by then if not sooner.  You can order with some confidence of a prompt delivery.

It's great material from the man I think was the greatest cartoonist ever of that kind of material.  If you prefer Schulz or Trudeau or Watterson or Capp or Segar or anyone else, fine.  We can still be friends.  Just acknowledge that my pick is a reasonable choice.

There is a fine foreword in it by Pogo Fan Supreme Jake Tapper.  Someday, he will come to his senses, give up that relatively unimportant reporting job on CNN and return to his old profession of cartooning.  There are also annotations and some special add-ins but the big attraction is two years of Mr. Kelly doing what he did so well.

I do not make a cent off how this book sells.  I just want it to sell well because it's very special material and the series was launched by someone who will always be very special to me.