Yes, it's crowded at this convention — though less so than before they went to the RFID badges which have little chips embedded in them and so are impossible to counterfeit. I don't think anyone in years past realized how many of those filling the hall were in on bogus badges but to me, the difference is notable.
When I mentioned this once before on this very blog, I got a nasty e-mail from someone who liked hiding behind a phony name as much as he liked getting in with a phony badge. He told me to dine on excrement and pass away because Comic-Con was overpriced and he wanted to get in and so he had to procure a fake badge because how else? Not getting what he wanted as certainly not an option, right? And of course, since I get in free each year, I have no right to criticize others who get in free a different way.
In a related story: In my one political-type discussion of the con so far, A Trump-backer told me Trump doesn't cheat or lie but even if he does, good for him. Because cheating to win is infinitely better than playing by the rules and losing.
I know this is a popular viewpoint these days. I just was a little surprised to hear it from a guy wearing a Captain America t-shirt.