Mushroom Soup Monday

As I get older, I find myself more and more starting sentences with the phrase "As I get older," as in "As I get older, I find myself more and more starting sentences with the phrase "As I get older…"

One thing I hope I never do is something a friend of mine started doing around the time he hit 75. Almost every sentence that came out of his mouth contained a phrase like…

  • "Well, speaking on behalf of us old farts…"
  • "Well, you won't have me around much longer…"
  • "We dinosaurs have to stick together…"

You can't avoid getting old but you don't have to surrender to it the minute simple math passes some arguable date that you think is old. For one thing, I believe that thinking you're old will age you. For another, anyone who cares about you is really sick of heaing how you'll be kicking the bucket any day now.

I'm 66 and I'm not ruling out the possibility, slim though it could be, that I have some good years ahead of me. Don't give up before you have to.