65 and Counting

We are 65 days from the start of Comic-Con International 2018 so this might be a good time for some of us to unpack from last year's con and begin packing for this one. And if you're going, I always refer you to the official convention website — where lots of helpful information has already been posted with more on the way. But I also refer you to the unofficial convention website, sdccblog.com, where folks who have zero to do with running the con post also-helpful info.

The San Diego-Comic Con Unofficial Blog is compiled by enthusiastic con-goers, headed by a wonderful lady named Kerry Dixon. They can make your convention experience a lot easier with their tips, announcements, shared experiences, suggestions and insights. A lot of these are on the site itself and a lot of them are in their weekly video podcasts where they discuss what they've heard and what they think and every once in a while, they have a special guest on.

They're doing this week's video podcast tomorrow night at 6:30 PM Pacific Time, which due to some strange time-travel technology that I'll never understand is 9:30 PM in the east. Their special guest will be someone who attended the first San Diego Comic-Con in 1970 and has been to every one since and has moderated hundreds of panels and program items. That's right — it's me! I'll be discussing 48 years of schlepping down to S.D. each summer through worse and worse traffic to attend larger and larger conventions…and I'll explain why it's never not worth the hassle. In the meantime, Kerry and her crew will have wise counsel on how to lessen that hassle.

You can watch us live on The San Diego-Comic Con Unofficial Blog site and if you miss it, I'll either post the whole thing here or link you to it or something. All I know is I'll be watching too because I can't wait to hear what I'm going to say.