Hey, let's all think good thoughts about one of the most talented, lovely men I've ever known…Chuck McCann. If you're around my age but you grew up in New York, you doubtlessly recall Chuck's famous kid show in which he did wonderfully inventive comedy sketches. He didn't have much in the way of writers or budget or facilities and most of it was live so he had to do bits like the clip below in one take…but he did it.
He went on to have a great career as a comic performer and even sometimes in dramatic roles. Those of us who have been lucky enough to know him brag that we know Chuck McCann and some of us even brag that we know him better than others who brag about knowing Chuck McCann. But now we're all worried and sad because Chuck's in the hospital and word is he ain't doing so well. We don't want him to go away. If you can do anything to prevent that, please do it.
Here's a video from the sixties of Chuck just being wildly crazy and funny for six minutes…