Mushroom Soup Monday

For the first time in over two months, I'm declaring a Mushroom Soup Day here on What that means, newcomers, is that I'm really busy today — too busy to blog much. So posting the soup can is way of telling you not to waste a lot of time today checking back here for new content. It may be like this around here until after WonderCon.

Want something to read? Read Kevin Drum on the firing of former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe. I'm actually a bit worried that I'll miss something big whilst at WonderCon. Back in the Watergate era, I missed experiencing the famed Saturday Night Massacre in real time because I was at a convention all weekend. Something comparable in Washington is clearly looming and I'd like to be there for it.

Several folks have written to tell me that MeTV is going to start running WKRP in Cincinnati at the beginning of April. If you're not familiar with it, it was a great TV series. I hope they run the episodes with the real music throughout.

That is all for now. I'll be back when I can be back.