Baby, If You've Ever Wondered…

Well, you can see what a fine job I'm doing of staying away from blogging. I am informed by a spy that when MeTV airs WKRP in Cincinnati, what we'll get is the versions from the Shout Factory DVD with a few changes.

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about: When the show originally aired, they used an awful lot of actual records from the day, playing little clips of this and that, here and there, as life went on at the radio station. In syndication and for the initial home video release, there were problems clearing all those songs for the new usage so some substitutions were made, often to the detriment of a key plot point. When Shout Factory put 'em out, they cleared as much as could be humanly cleared and this page will tell you could not be humanly cleared. So MeTV will have something close to original cues but not everything.