I haven't done as many of these lately because, frankly, even I'm getting tired of stories about how incompetent and dishonest the guy and his administration are. And here's one opinion I've come to which I'll pass along for what little it may be worth: Those who are predicting what Robert Mueller will do and when he will do it are speculating blindly. It sure looks to me like all the leaks are coming from the Trump side, none from Mueller's office. He'll tell us what he's doing when he's good and ready. Now, this…
- Kellyanne Conway, Jared Kushner and other members of Trump's mob seem to have been violating the Hatch Act. I'm sure Trump will take immediate action to discipline them.
- As the New York Times editorial writers point out, Trump sure loves them dictatorial leaders who rule for life and can silence their critics.
- Daniel Larson thinks Trump's decision about tariffs was (a) a bad one and (b) arrived at almost on a whim. This is not a good way of running the country.
- And William Saletan tells us how much other Republicans don't like them. For once, they're not following Donald like sheep.
- How come Paul Ryan so fiercely backs Trump on just about everything? Jonathan Chait has a good explanation: "[Ryan] was inculcated at a young age with the works of theorists like Ayn Rand, George Gilder, and Jude Wanniski, all of whom share a belief that the core mission of political life is to protect the earned wealth of the rich from political redistribution by the masses."
And I see that Trump's top economic advisor, Gary Cohn, is jumping ship. He got his big corporate tax cut and now he doesn't want to take the blame for what happens next. Can't wait to hear Trump's next speech about loyalty.