Sunday Morning

Some time ago here, I brought up a movie called The Man Who Had Power Over Women which I first saw upon its release in 1970. I couldn't make up my mind then if I liked it or not. Turner Classic Movies ran it last August and I said then that after I'd watched it, I'd report back here and tell you if I made up my mind about it…but then I didn't. Didn't make up my mind about it and didn't report back that I hadn't. It's still on my TiVo so one of these days, I'll watch it again and try to decide. In the meantime, a fellow named Rod Barnett has taken a stab at the question. My thoughts so far are not unlike his but may change.

We love Laurel and Hardy so of course, we love the famous Laurel and Hardy theme, which was written by an eccentric gent named T. Marvin Hatley. BBC Radio has an audio documentary up about this smile-causing song. It's available for your listening pleasure for a limited time at this link.

I try not to think much about Donald Trump on the weekends. I figure if I can master that, I can start working, one by one, on the weekdays. But take a moment to read this piece by Matt Yglesias. Short summary: Trump sees his job as firing up his base and keeping them mad at his enemies and therefore madly in love with him. If this requires a major disconnect with the actual policies and actions of this administration, fine. In this sense, he's a lot like many of our leaders who talked tough, acted weak but who were still viewed by many as tough.

I'm off today to attend a memorial service for a funny man named Jerry Van Dyke. Tell you all about it when I return.