Yes, it's a beautiful Sunday…a day when everything is open except the banks, Chick-fil-A and the United States government. Guess which of these is not likely to be open tomorrow.
The news tells me that Chief-o'-Staff John Kelly is negotiating on behalf of the White House — and why not? It's not like we have a president who's experienced at negotiations.
Meanwhile, the Democrats and Republicans seem to be arguing about whether to call it the Trump Shutdown or the Schumer Shutdown…and that's about all they seem to be arguing about. Hey, they can call it the Evanier Shutdown if that'll move them on to actually settling this thing. Last I heard, the only proposal out there was something like how we will build Trump's border wall but only if DACA kids do it. Maybe I misheard.
For me, the fascinating guy to watch during all is Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, who seems to be kissing Trump butt and telling him he's the greatest prez ever on even-numbered days and treating him like a moron on odd-numbered days. What's more, he seems to be getting away with this.
Today, he also went after Trump's creepiest aide saying "As long as Steven Miller is in charge of negotiating immigration we are going no where. He's been an outlier for years." Miller's the kind of guy who back in high school, ran for Student Body President on a platform of "More homework, fewer proms" and got one vote, counting his own.
I hear that despite the shutdown, the Grand Canyon is still open. When I was seven or so, there was an item on the news that the Grand Canyon would be closed for a few days for some reason and I wondered if that meant men with shovels had to go out and fill it in — and then when it was open again, they had to go back and dig it out. That sounded like a lot of work…but how else do you "close" a huge hole in the ground? At the age of seven, that made a certain amount of sense…about as much as this whole shutdown does today.