The Trump Administration is opposing laws that say that a business — like a baker of wedding cakes who won't bake them for gay weddings — shouldn't be free to discriminate. Its stance is probably because Trump believes this is what his base wants but I suspect it's also because Trump believes that the owner of a business should be able to do any damned thing he wants. Jeffrey Toobin reports on the arguments before the Supreme Court.
The Trump/G.O.P. tax bill may not be quite as much a "done deal" as most folks assume. John Cassidy explains why.
So now we're hearing that Robert Mueller is looking into at least some of the financials of Donald Trump and his associates. There are lots of folks out there arguing that Donald Trump is a great president, a man of God, a pillar of integrity. I suspect there darn near zero of the folks saying such things are confident that a probe into his finances will not reveal a string of dirty deeds — the kind that are done dirt cheap.
Matt Yglesias says that Democrats are decrying the wrong things about the tax bill. What's bad is the way it hurts poor folks and others who need the social safety net. What's not bad (necessarily) is how it grows the deficit…or so Yglesias says.
And finally: We're down now to the point where Roy Moore's defenders are saying, in effect, "Yeah, but let's give him some credit for all the teen-age girls he didn't molest!"