Friday Morning

A busy day ahead…but hey, isn't there something a wee bit refreshing about Louis C.K. accepting some responsibility for his own sordid actions? He not only said he did it, he seems to have even had a little actual understanding of why he did it and why it was wrong…and it didn't look like he was setting himself up to take a two-week sensitivity course and then proclaim himself healed and redeemed. My respect for the guy has gone up in some ways, down in others.

I have no idea what the scandal in the Roy Moore case is going to do about his chances of victory. Some are saying it'll help him. Some are saying it'll hurt him. I don't think anyone knows. After the Trump victory, I'm less inclined than ever to think we can look at the old standards of what would kill a candidate's chances and project what it'll mean in the next situation. All I know is that a lot of people who want him to win are willing to overlook any damn thing he does but still try to claim the moral high ground. There's way more honesty on display in the Louis C.K. case.