Republicans love Democratic scandals, especially Democratic scandals that involve Hillary Clinton. Even though she's about as likely to run for president next time as I am, they're planning a new series of hearings. Why? My guess is that there are a number of very wealthy campaign donors who demand them and what very wealthy campaign donors want, very wealthy campaign donors get. In fact, I think we underestimate the influence of very wealthy campaign donors. When a politician says something that makes little sense and we wonder, "Why the hell did he [or she] say that?," I think we too often forget "To please some very wealthy campaign donor" as a reason.
Benghazi and the E-Mail thing apparently don't have the punch they used to…not that we won't hear more about them. But by now, even the very wealthy campaign donors can't believe there's anything in either of them that will send Ms. Clinton off to the slammer. They just keep those investigations going because to stop would be to unofficially clear her, and that they cannot have. But we're apparently going to hear more about this uranium deal thing so here's a quick overview of what it's all about. It's kind of complicated and if you want to keep her under investigation, that's good because the more nooks and crannies there are in a scenario, the easier it is to say "We haven't gotten to the bottom of this yet." And that's the whole idea these days with investigations: Keep the thing going. This one could run longer than Hamilton.