Erick-Woods Erickson is a religious Conservative talk show host who is really, really disappointed in Donald J. Trump. I do not for a minute buy his premise that "the social justice warrior alt-left and the white supremacist alt-right [are] two sides of the same coin" but I nod in agreement to much else that he says. To just cite one huge difference, the alt-left is smaller, far less prone to encourage violence, and it's all about helping the poor and downtrodden. The alt-right is about about helping themselves and way too often about guns and threats.
It's kinda nice that David Duke, the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, is so outspoken about how his crowd is sure Donald Trump is on their team. None of us who dislike Trump will do him as much damage.
Here, from Julia Azari, is a history of presidential responses to racial violence. It isn't that impressive a history but Trump still manages to look bad in comparison to his predecessors.
Former White House communications director (for about twenty minutes) Anthony Scaramucci on Sunday says Trump should have been "much harsher" speaking out against white supremacists. Having "The Mooch" say you should have been much harsher is like Hannibal Lecter telling you to grab a snack. Scaramucci is supposed to guest with Stephen Colbert tomorrow night. Wonder if they'll mention Donald.