Saturday Afternoon

Just reading about the violence in Charlottesville and, like any decent and sane person, I'm horrified. Trump's tweet about it called for unity (behind him, no doubt) and was so vague that it sounds like he thought, "Hmm…how can I condemn this without losing the support of white nationalists?" Some people on the 'net aren't altogether clear who he believes are the victims and who are the victimizers.

He used to get hysterical that Obama wouldn't identify certain terrorists as "Radical Islamic Muslims." Let's see how he describes the kind of person who would try to kill people like this. Betcha he focuses on the "one lone nut" aspect of it, saying darn near nothing to upset the kind of beings who smiled at the news, wish there would be more of it and, like David Duke, see the Trump presidency as a giant step towards white people taking "their" country back.

And just so we're clear: I don't think Trump is a racist. If anything, I think he discriminates against everyone, white or black, who isn't working to the betterment of Donald Trump. The problem is that he won't say or do anything to lose the people who turn out to cheer him.