The Internet darn near exploded last week with the news that June Foray had passed. She was so dear and so wonderful that a lot of people seemed to be having trouble processing the information that a woman who was 99 years and 10 months old had died, like that was impossible. I suppose some of it is that she is so omnipresent — in the shows we watch and in our minds — that it's difficult to think of yourself as living in a world where there is no June Foray.
She was also so accessible and friendly to all. I must have counted a hundred different photos of her on Facebook, posing with some person who was proud to say June Foray was their friend. I know exactly how you all feel. As I said, those of us who were fortunate enough to know her will forever brag that we knew her. And people will respond like we'd told them we knew the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus…or even Rocky the Flying Squirrel.
I've received a lot of inquiries about a public memorial and here is the answer: Plans are just starting to come together to have one, probably in a very large room because so many people will want to attend. It will not be in the next few weeks. When things are firmed up, I will post the details here.
Whenever and wherever it happens, get there early. The place is going to be packed. I'm thinking Hollywood Bowl with maybe overflow seating at the Greek Theatre.