Your Monday Trump Dump

I paid no attention to him this last weekend and it was a nice weekend because of it. But it's back to work now and back to reading stuff like this…

  • Brian Resnick says that people who support Donald Trump don't care if he's lying. Gee, that's odd. I know a number of them and they sure cared like hell when they thought Barack Obama was lying about something.
  • Jonathan Chait rebuts someone's claim that Donald Trump could have run as a Democrat and been elected. I think Chait's right that the person claiming that is wrong but for different reasons. I think that if Republicans were opposing Trump, they could have done a much better job that Democrats did of selling his lies and gaffes and uncouth statements and talk of pussy-grabbing as proof that the man was utterly unfit for public office.
  • Fred Kaplan on what happened when Trump sat down with Putin. And guess what! Trump accepted Putin's denials that the Russians did anything to impact the outcome of the presidential election. Well, I guess that settles it.
  • Andrew Kahn discusses how the Trump-Putin relationship keeps being described like a gay relationship. Is that homophobia? Is it insulting to gays? I dunno. It does seem like in some circles, the worst thing you can say about someone is that they're gay, especially when they probably aren't.  I don't much like that.
  • John Cassidy on what Trump is doing to America's standing in the international community. It's a lot like what happens to your plumbing when you call in Larry, Moe and Curly to fix it.

A lot of people think Stephen Colbert owes his bump in the ratings to Donald Trump. Jonathan Merritt wonders if maybe it might be someone else…like, say, God. Me, I think it's Trump.