There has been talk of a Single-Payer Health Care Plan here in the state of California. Sounds great…but as our pal Kevin Drum notes, it's darn near impossible for the foreseeable future.
And I meant to link to this piece by Kevin which notes that Americans are becoming more and more comfortable with the concept of Gay Marriage. I guess that's because they're noticing that God did not smite us all down or send locusts to devour our children as some had predicted would occur if Henry was allowed to marry Dave.
Matt Taibbi doesn't think a lot of the press these days. It's maddening how when reporters make one mistake, a lotta folks think they now have an excuse to not believe all the true things that get reported that they don't want to believe.
Matthew Yglesias explains "Why Donald Trump can't make deals in Washington." Matt's answer to that is "The big problem is he has no idea what he's talking about."
And finally for now, the question everyone is asking: What the hell are Fidget-Spinners?