Your Friday Trump Dump

I awoke this morning with a foolish thought: I'd do a blog post not about You-Know-Who. 'Twas a foolish thought because no matter what the man is bad at, he's real good at making it all be About Him. In fact, we start with an Ezra Klein article that addresses that very point…

  • Ezra Klein makes the point that "Trump's secret isn't that he lies. It's that he crowds out the truth." I think that's quite true. And if he keeps saying "I'm winning" enough, a certain amount of his supporters will continue to believe that.
  • Eric Levitz discusses the logic — or lack of any — in the Trump team's response to yesterday's testimony by James Comey.
  • Ed Kilgore believes that if it comes down to a contest of personal credibility — Trump's versus James Comey's — Donald ain't got a prayer.
  • Jeffrey Toobin thinks that what Comey presented was a portrait of inarguable Obstruction of Justice by Donald J. Trump.
  • Jeet Heer makes the point I've made many times, which that Trump is incapable of even thinking about what's good for the country. The only concern that ever gets into his head is what's good for Donald Trump.

Bill Maher is on tonight with his first show since last week's when he used That Word. He has some black guests who are reportedly going to give him a hard time about it. This sounds like one of those situations that will change no minds but could make for entertaining television in the same manner that the World Wrestling Entertainment Network offers it. Since Maher will have home court advantage (including an audience of his fans), I'd bet the spread.