Your Wednesday Trump Dump

Most of what I'm reading this week is about the Republican Health Care Plan but there's much to be read about Donald…

  • The shameless campaign that was McCarthyism gets distorted or redefined all the time and applied to any sort of crusade by anyone. As Jonathan Chait points out, Donald Trump is not the victim of "McCarthyism" but rather a practitioner of it.
  • Adam Davidson tells us about a Trump business deal that says a lot about the man now in the White House.
  • I had a friend get mad at me when I said in a private conversation that Trump had the racist vote. He wrongly thought I was saying that anyone who voted for Trump was a racist. I certainly don't think that's so. But I do think those who were already inclined to think that way favor Donald and according to Heidi Beirich of the Southern Poverty Law Center, his election has a lot of racists feeling empowered and more likely to cause trouble.
  • And finally, Matt Taibbi cautions that those who expect the Russia Scandal to grow until it swallows up the Trump administration may be making a lot of unwarranted assumptions. A good point.

And I'm sorry to hear Alec Baldwin say that he won't be doing Trump on Saturday Night Live much longer. I wonder who they'll get to play Trump in the future. They're probably looking to see if they have any women who can pull it off.