Comic book artist Dave Hunt died this past weekend, the end of a long battle against cancer. Some sources are reporting his age as 75 but my references peg him with various earlier birthdates so I just don't know.
What I do know is that he had a long career that had him working as an art director at various comics-related magazines in the early seventies, segueing into comics as an apprentice inker around 1973 and becoming a full-fledged inker just a few years later. He did painting and sculpture outside of the comics field.
For comics, I think he worked exclusively as an inker with a long stretch as Curt Swan's inker on Superman for DC, and inking most of the Spider-Man books for Marvel…but at one time or another, his work appeared in most of both firms' major titles, as well as lots of work for Archie and Disney Comics. He was well-liked both as a person and an artist, and the few times we worked on the same project, I found him to be professional and easy to get along with. Given the volume of work he did, I would guess that was the experience of everyone who was fortunate enough to work with Dave. We need more guys like that.