The first Comic-Con International was held under a different name in San Diego from August 1–3 in 1970. That is darn close — and getting closer with each passing day — to half a century. The four people above were each present for at least one day of that convention.
The gentleman at left is Gene Henderson. Next to him is Jackie Estrada. Gene and Jackie have both been of great service to the convention over the years, working on various aspects of it. In the back are, also reading from left to right, illustrator Bill Stout and me. We believe we four are the only people who have been there for at least one day of every one of those forty-eight conventions…but before we say that too loudly, we want to ask around a bit and make sure.
Is there anyone else? Anyone who has shown up on at least one day of every single Comic-Con International, including the years when it was called the Golden State Comic-Con, San Diego's West Coast Comic Convention or the San Diego Comic-Con? (It became Comic-Con International as of 1995.) If there is, we'd sure like to know. Drop me a note if you are one or know of one.