Today's Four Bad Things From Your Trump Administration

I've decided to try something. Let's see if it works. Rather than post on and off all day about things Trump and his crew are doing that I find outrageous, I'm going to try doing one post per day listing four of them.

Maybe then I won't spend all day thinking about The Gang Who Couldn't Shoot Straight. This will at least benefit those of you who come to this site to read the stuff about comics and late night shows and Frank Ferrante and the evils of cole slaw…and want to just skip over items that remind them who's in the White House and what they're doing. Here are today's four…

  1. Trump believes it will help the economy if investment counselors are unburdened by rules that prevent them from screwing over their clients with faulty advice.  Actually, it might be easier to just mail all your money to Goldman Sachs.  Jonathan Chait has more.
  2. Trump spokesperson Kellyanne Conway went on with Chris Matthews and talked about how two Iraqis engineered "The Bowling Green Massacre" and that's why we need to all line up behind Donald Trump, the only man who can prevent you from being massacred like those poor people in Bowling Green.  As Kevin Drum notes, not only was this massacre a fantasy but it's one that some people will refuse to believe did not occur.
  3. Daniel Larison notes that Trump's idea of foreign policy is just to act real tough with everyone for no good reason. "Omni-directional belligerence," he calls it and it seems to be based on the premise that acting real tough is the same thing as being real tough…and appearing real tough is better than being real smart.
  4. And finally for today: Donald Trump is a lousy cosplayer. His Thor outfit (see above) is just pathetic.

That's Today's Four Bad Things From Your Trump Administration. Tune in tomorrow for four more. Sadly, I don't think I'll have any trouble finding four more each day.