Optical Delusions

You've all seen the side-by-side photos of the crowd at Obama's first inauguration and the crowd at Trump's first (and let's hope, only) inauguration. They clearly show a helluva lot more people at Obama's.

Mr. Trump is said to be furious because everything he does is the biggest and the best and he never loses fair and square…not even in competitions that exist only in his own, narcissistic mind. He's arguing, I guess, that the photo of his audience is a photo from before the speech when everyone had yet to arrive. That might be valid if he could produce some photos taken during the speech that showed the unoccupied areas filled-in…but apparently, he can't. Thousands of photos must have been taken that day but apparently none that show the audience he insists he had.

Meanwhile though, there are Trump supporters who don't want to believe their guy has lost in any conceivable way. They don't believe his approval rating is at a historically dreadful 36%. They don't believe Hillary really did better in the popular vote. And they look at those photos of the two inaugurations and insist that even in those pics which enrage Donald, his turnout was better.

Why do they see something different? Alan Levinovitz discusses the human tendency for self-deception.