Today's "Trump is a Monster" Post

Eric Levitz says Donald Trump is mad that Barack Obama is acting like he's still President of the United States of America. The nerve of that guy for thinking his term doesn't end until some time in January!

We haven't heard much lately about building that wall on the Mexican border. I have the feeling Trump's family is going to build a golf course down there and then Donald will tell everyone that's what he always meant by "building a wall."

In the meantime though, we're hearing a lot about repealing Obamacare. It's working pretty well…but those who predicted it would never work have to kill it before it works even better. Trump promised to replace it with "something terrific" but in six years, no one has come close to devising anything better and the uncertainty caused by repealing it without a replacement in place will throw the marketplace — and therefore the lives of those who rely on it — into chaos. Jonathan Chait has more.

And another problem looming for health care is that Trump's nominee to head the Department of Health and Human Services wants to bring "balance billing" to Medicare. What is "balance billing?" It's kind of a way to make sure that Medicare doesn't cover as much as it used to and that sick people have to dig into their savings to pay what it no longer covers. Ryan Cooper explains.

Trump's promises to bring back jobs to America may hit a snag. People seem to think those jobs went overseas but an awful lot of them never left the country. They just went to robots who do those jobs for less.

Lastly for now: As we've mentioned here, Trump financial advisor Larry Kudlow has a pretty bad track record when it comes to being right about anything. As Steve Benen notes, Kudlow's new bit of wisdom is that it's great that Trump is surrounding himself with so many rich people because — and this is a quote — "Wealthy folks have no need to steal or engage in corruption." That isn't even true of all the wealthy people in the room when Kudlow meets alone with the president-elect.