Your Friday Morning Trump Tirade

So he's talking about a big Nuclear Arms Race and about all sorts of strange tariffs…but I guess the big story is that they can't get any Big Names to perform for his inauguration. The Rockettes have been drafted into service, reportedly against many of the dancers' wishes. But that seems appropriate…women being forced to do things with their bodies for the pleasure of Donald J. Trump. The high point of the gala may turn out to be Scott Baio with a harmonica and Rich Little doing all the celebrities who refused to show up. If he does, he's going to be up there a while.

I don't think it's their own Liberalism that's keeping the stars away. I think it's the growing recognition that this President-To-Be is really, really loathed even by a lot of people who cast their ballots for Trump/Pence; that even in this honeymoon phase when many are trying to think positive, there's the fear of having your name associated with the guy. He sure ain't doing anything to win over those who voted for Hillary — which, you'll be reminded constantly, was more than voted for him.

It's all kinda turning into a big Rodney Dangerfield routine and one can imagine Trump repeatedly touching the knot in his tie as he bitches about getting No Respect. I think he thought it came automatically with the presidency; like there was some law that everyone had to acknowledge his awesomeness and also forget everything he said and did to win, including the "promises."

That may be the dominant theme of his time in office. You'll have Trump whining about not being loved by all while he simultaneously distracts us from what Mike Pence is doing to roll back gay rights, ban abortion, stop all this nonsense about fighting Climate Change and, of course, making sure the filthy-rich get filthier-richer.

One of my Red State Friends wrote that I hate Donald Trump. No, no, no. I don't hate anyone. I just think that even before Trump has placed his left hand on a copy of The Art of the Deal and taken the oath of office, he's showing all signs of being a really true, destructive Chief Exec. It's kind of the same way that same Red State Friend was sure Barack Obama was going to crash the economy, send gas prices skyrocketing and unemployment into double-digits while taking orders from Moscow. I hope I'm at least half as wrong as he was.