Today's "Trump is a Monster" Post

So it turns out that people who were outraged at Hillary "selling access" by collecting high speaking fees have absolutely no problem with the Trump family doing everything possible to monetize the presidency, including selling access to the Trump family via "fundraisers" and hotel bookings. Josh Marshall discusses the fundraiser and the apparent fact that the Trumps intend to just ignore any concerns or laws about Conflict of Interest when there's dough to be made.

We always knew that a lot of the posturing about morality in politics was for show but…well, I don't know about you. You may be way smarter than me but I always thought there was at least a smidgen of sincerity and principle involved in some politicians' stances. The moral lectures we heard from the Mike Huckabees of the world when there was evidence, true or not, of Bill Clinton's horndoggery is curiously absent when it's Trump telling how he loves to grab women by the pussy. Donald could start performing abortions in the Oval Office if he still gave them tax cuts for the rich and the abolition of any regulation that inhibits corporate profiteering.

In the meantime, Newt Gingrich says Trump no longer cares about that "draining the swamp" stuff and that's fine with him. And Kevin Drum has a long post that explains that Hillary did nothing wrong, except maybe for a few clumsy optics, in either the Grand E-Mail Scandal or the whole Benghazi flap. I don't think there are many folks out there these days who are even interested in arguing the opposite. It worked so all is well.

Lastly for now, let's check in with what Garry Trudeau of Doonesbury fame thinks about current events. Trudeau was in the Ridiculing Trump business long before any of the newcomers and he has a busy four years ahead of him.