Today on Stu's Show!

The guest today on Stu Shostak's 'net radio show is Animation Expert Jerry Beck. He and Stu will be talking about new animated films like Moana, forthcoming video releases and TV specials…all sorts of cartoony topics. Jerry's visits always make for a delightful program and this one should be no exception.

Stu's Show can be heard live (almost) every Wednesday at the Stu's Show website and you can listen for free there and then. Webcasts start at 4 PM Pacific Time, 7 PM Eastern and other times in other climes. They run a minimum of two hours and sometimes go to three or beyond. Then shortly after a show concludes, it's available for downloading from the Archives on that site. Downloads are a paltry 99 cents each and you can get four for the price of three. You might want to leave a few out for Santa along with his milk and cookies.