Block Blunder

I got a lot of interesting responses to the tweet in the previous posting. One was a tweeted reply from a Trump-supporter who posted something like, "That's quite a statement given how much Hillary and Bill have made from public speaking engagements."

I decided to send him a Direct Message reminding him that what the Clintons did was after they were out of office…not when they were in office or enjoying the tremendous power and attention they had on their way into office. As I did this, my mouse slipped and I accidentally blocked the guy, which is not something I do to people just because they disagree with me. I apparently can't unblock him without knowing his Twitter handle and I don't.

If you're that person I inadvertently blocked, drop me a note and let me know what it is. That is, if you still want to be able to read my postings. Or if you're not that person but you see the tweet I'm talking about, drop me a line with his name. Thanks.

[UPDATE: I have it. Thanks, everyone who wrote in.]