Sweet 16

I kinda started blogging by accident. I didn't even have actual blogging software. I just did it by hand and rigged up a primitive macro to archive the old posts when they were displaced by new ones.

At the time, I didn't think I'd do a thousand posts, let alone the 24,000 that are currently on this site. Yeah, there are 125 "encore" posts here but along the way, I've probably lost about that many posts so it probably balances out. I also didn't imagine I would make so many friends or get in contact with old ones.

I believe this blog has a pretty smart readership. When I ask a question, I usually get an answer and it's usually the right one…although one time, I asked a question about a very famous comedian and he wrote me himself with what I later found out was the wrong answer.

I want to thank all the folks who've sent in links, suggestions, questions or who've caught typos or dumb mistakes. I also want to thank about 95% of those who've sent replies to opinion pieces. The ones I'm thanking are the ones who've been thoughtful, non-hysterical and sometimes informative. Thanks too to those of you who've donated cash and/or ordered items from Amazon via the links that give us a tiny commission on your purchases. In case you're interested, since I upgraded to a top-grade server — notice how this board is so rarely down? — I only lose about $500 a month on this blog. It would be double that without your support.

I try to thank you back by posting a couple of items every day. Once in a while, I don't make it but I sure try. I have turned down all offers of paid advertising or of putting this blog under the umbrella of a larger website and I will continue to do turn them down. It's nice to write something that's completely mine and completely independent. Those of you who write for a living or want to write (for a living or otherwise) might consider it.

By the way: The anniversary was actually yesterday but something got in the way of posting this then. One of these days, I'll tell you what it was and you'll understand.