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The polls suggest that Donald Trump is the least-popular newly-elected president in American history. Even a lot of folks who voted for him don't like the guy and I won't be surprised if it gets a lot worse. I don't see that he's done a single thing to win over the folks who didn't vote for him and the ones who did are starting to move away from him.

It's not just him, it's the company he's keeping. Before the election, those who found things to like about Trump — or maybe just things to dislike about his opponent — could excuse his embrace of white nationalists and conspiracy nutjobs because, well, that's the kind of thing you have to do get elected. But now he is elected and he won't distance himself from the racists or from guys like Alex Jones who insists Hillary Clinton has murdered children with her bare hands. His cabinet picks sure ain't an example of either "draining the swamp" or picking the most qualified candidate.

And this is before he starts signing bills that will give tax cuts to people like…well, like Donald Trump.