I'm sure I'll have more before long but these will do for now…
- People who hated Barack Obama, spread the idea that he really wasn't President because he was a Kenyan (i.e., not a white guy) and prayed for the Congress to block every single thing he did just because he was the one doing it…and now say that for the good of America, we've all got to forget everything Trump said and did during the campaign, come together and root for him to succeed. I could and would get behind most of that if they'd done it for Obama and also if their idea of "working together" wasn't to give them every single thing they want.
- People who voted and campaigned for Trump, cheered his election and are now starting to say, "They're going to do what to my Medicare (or other health insurance) and Social Security?" Bonus peeve points if they believed, as most Americans do, that Climate Change is a real and present threat but they still celebrated the election of a guy who said it was a hoax engineered by the Chinese. Trump's not going to let anything happen that will lessen that danger until at least three of his golf courses are underwater and several caddies drown.
Meanwhile, I'm going to be mud-wrestling a script deadline for the rest of today and another one tomorrow. I'll get back here when I can.